Join The Prairie Astronomy Club!

Interested in becoming a member? Contact us below or come to our next meeting and say hi!

Amateur Astronomy: The Universe at your Fingertips

Would you like to take a trip to some of the most exotic and beautiful places in deep space without leaving the safety of Earth? Just imagine, exploring the surface of the moon, watching the weather on Jupiter, peeking into a stellar nursery, or gazing into the heart of a giant spiral galaxy. Amateur Astronomy delivers just that and much more!

Upcoming Meetings

Unless otherwise noted, PAC meetings are held at Hyde Memorial Observatory in Holmes Park South on the last Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm. Meetings are open to the public.

July Meeting

The July meeting has been canceled since it is the same week as the Nebraska Star Party.

August Meeting

The August Program will be a review of the Nebraska Star Party and also “Lunar Photogrammetry” by Mark Dahmke.

Mark will show examples of how one can generate 3D spatial data (3D models) from Apollo-era photos using modern photogrammetry software. With as few as two photos taken on the surface of the Moon, it’s possible to reconstruct not only stereoscopic views but actual 3D models and animations.